Friday, August 31, 2007

The candle burnt out long before the legend ever will

Ten years ago I was awoken by my Dad, his eyes were red and his voice broken when he spoke, "The princess Diana is dead, she was killed in a car crash in Paris". It was hard to come to terms with, difficult to believe that it had really happened. I, like the rest of the British population, was very upset about her death. That day, when I switched on the radio, every song was a slow and melancholy song and this continued over the weekend. Then when we watched the funeral a few days later, we really felt the impact of the sorrow of a whole nation. What we could not have predicted then is the impact this event would have on the royal family. Since her death we have watched her two children grow up into fine, handsome men. They have carried on her work and have followed her example. As a nation, I think we are very fond of William and Harry and are proud of them, as their Mother surely was. Diana was far from being a saint but she was a person who had a big heart and who dedicated herself to charitable works. She reached out to those really in need and showed them that she really cared. Britain may not commemorate her death again in the same way in ten years time but for today we once again remember the people's princess.

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